Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I am writing an essay for school and i need help answering these questions for the book Banner in the sky?

these are the questions

how can i understand who i am and the choices i have made to live a more intenetional and fufilling life?

how can i effectively communicate who i am in all my actions, words and deeds?


It stands unconquered, the last great summit of the Alps. Only one man has ever dared to approach the top, and that man died in his pursuit. He was Josef Matt, Rudi Matt's father.

At sixteen, Rudi is determined to pay tribute to the man he never knew, and complete the quest that claimed his father's life. And so, taking his father's red shirt as a flag, he heads off to face the earth's most challenging peak. But before Rudi can reach the top, he must pass through the forbidden Fortress, the gaping chasm in the high reaches of teh Citadel where his father met his end. Rudi has followed Josef's footsteps as far as they will take him. Now he must search deep within himself to find the strength for the final ascent to the summit鈥攖o plant his banner in the sky|||I think these questions go much deeper than just what you would find in a book. Like Rudi, you have to "search deep within" yourself to find the answers.

However, here is a site that has some *very interesting* information, and may be helpful to you. (remove spaces from these links) In addition, you may wish to watch the Disney movie "The Third Man on the Mountain", which was about this book.

http:// www.nides.bc.ca/ Assignments/Novels/ Banner/StudGuid.htm

The novel, Banner in the Sky (HarperCollins Children's Books, 1988) by James Ramsey Ullman (1907-71) is an excellent example of a bibliotherapeutic experience. It has been a classic of adolescence since it was first published in 1954. The locale, an Alpine village, stirs the imagination while the objective of the mountain climbers, the Citadel, captures the soul of the reader. This imaginative focus creates an inspirational vision which proclaims that risk-taking is the essential ingredient in the search for excellence. At the end of the novel, Rudi Matt, the main protagonist, chooses to rescue a fellow mountain climber instead of merely being the conqueror of this elusive mountain, the Citadel. This outcome demonstrates the novel's character development; the hero is seeking not only to conquer the mountain itself, but command over his inner psyche as well. Courage is linked to compassion. (This book was also made into a movie called Third Man on the Mountain by Walt Disney Productions, 1959.) "I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go to the mountain. And I've looked over, and I've seen the promised land...." Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. (a)

Good luck to you!|||www.bookrags.com/studyguide-banner-in-th鈥?

maybe this website will help you..........good luck

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