Sunday, November 13, 2011

Did you know Jesus was a socialist? When he returns will he carry a red banner and strike down capitalism?

Was Jesus a socialist?

For many who are first shall be last and many who are last shall be first

It is easier for a camel to pass through the ey of the needle than a rich man to pass into the Kingdom of God

If you have 2 coats and your brother has none than give him a coat

You cannot say you love me if you see your brothers in need and will not help him

As you do to the least of these you do it to me

Sounds pretty socialist to me

If Jesus had socialist leanings and the US is against socialism because it runs contrary to everything the US stands for - Isn't that about the same as saying the US is against Jesus ?|||he was indeed (and still is) a pretty left leaning guy|||yes|||I don't know the answer to your question but i hope to God he hs some positive influence on me in the next few days love x|||No. Socialism is a governmental structure whereby redistribution of wealth is mandatory. Jesus teaches that we should take care of ourselves, and voluntarily help our neighbors. May God's peace and love be with you always.

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