Tuesday, November 22, 2011

In the poem "crossing the red sea" by peter skrzynecki, what could the essay be about.?

I need to write an essay on this poem, and i need to break it down into 3 main points for the body.

Any ideas?

Many slept on deck

Becasue of the day's heat

Or to watch a sunset

They would never see again

Stretched out on blanket(s?) and pillows

Against cabins and rails:

Shirtless,in shorts, barefooted,

Themselves a landscape

Of milk-white flesh

On a scoured and polished deck.

Voices left their caves

And silence fell from its shackles

Memories strayed

From behind sunken eyes

To look for shorelines

Peaks of mou(n?)tains and green rivers

That shared their secrets

With storms and exiles


1949, and the war

Now four years dead-

N(ei)ther master nor slaves

As we crose(d) a sea

And looked at red banners

That Time was hoisting (note: capital time) (not my note HC)

In mock salute


Patches and shreds

Of dialogue

Hung from fingertips (line break?)And unshaven faces

Offering themselves

As a respite FRom (sic) the interruption

Of passing waves.

"I remember a filed (field?)

Of red poppies, once behind the forest

When the full moon rose."

"Blood Leaves similar dark stains

When it Runs (sic) for a long time

On stones or Rusted (sic) iron"

(And the sea's breath

Touched the eyes

Of another Lazarus (line break?) Who was saying a prayer

In thanksgiving

For miracles)


All night

The kindness

of the sea continued -

Breaking into

Walled-up griefs

That men had sworn

Would never be disclosed.

Accepting outflung denunciations

With a calmness

That brought a reminder

of people listening to requiems,

Pine tress whispering

Against a stone wall in the breeze;

Or a trembling voice

that sang at the rails

When the ship first sailed

From the sorrow

Of northern wars.


Daybreak took away

The magic of dreams,

Fragments of apparitions

That became

More tangible than words

Echoes and reflections

Of the trust

That men had bartered

For silence.

Had we talked

Of death

Perhaps something

More then (than?) time

Would have been lost.

But the gestures

Of darkness and starlight

Kept our minds

Away from the finalities

Of surrender -

As they beckoned towards

A blood-rimmed horizon

Beyond whose waters

The Equator

Was still to be crossed.

^^^^^^^^ Thats the poem.

Cheers|||This is how I'm getting it. We get to think that our circumstances imprison us when by them we see that which we had been longing for in the journey. They appear as poppies or red flags yet again, we ignore them and allow our minds away and refuse to surrender even when 4 years have swallowed up the need for us to.


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